Thursday, October 6, 2022 / by Alex O'Brien
When you decide to sell your home in Delaware or Pennsylvania, you begin to dream about how much profit you can make and moving to your next location. However, there is one figure you’ll need to determine before you can make those dreams a reality— your home value.
It is not uncommon for homeowners to over-estimate how much their property might be worth, so as your local real estate experts, The Kat Geralis Home Team has put together a few tips that can help you determine just that.
Comparable properties
One of the first places to look to help find your home value is a list of comparable properties in the area. Look at homes that have a similar square footage to yours or those with the same types of features. Even if you think your home is better than the one down the street, you’ll need to consider if it has a larger footprint, updates that yours doesn’t have, or more bathrooms as these can add significant value.
Home improvements
Have you made any recent k ...
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delaware real estate, delaware area homes, delaware real estate market, pennsylvania real estate, delaware homeowners, delaware home sellers, home seller tips
Friday, September 23, 2022 / by Alex O'Brien
October is nearly here! That means fall is officially underway which brings about its own share of tasks for Delaware and Pennsylvania homeowners— raking leaves, cleaning out the fireplace, updating decor and now, preparing for Halloween. You might not have anticipated getting ready for trick or treaters, but there are a few ways you can make sure the path to your door is as safe as possible.
Clear the way
Just as you would do to prepare for potential Delaware and Pennsylvania homebuyers, you need to ensure the pathways are unobstructed. While it's still daylight, inspect your lawn, driveway and other pathways for anything that could prove an obstacle. That means tree roots, fallen branches, or even cracks in the pavement. Make updates and repairs where you can or at the very least, block off these areas.
It's also important to make sure your Halloween decor is not in the way. Things like extension cords or small pumpkins can cause trick or treaters to trip.
Light the way
Wh ...
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delaware real estate, delaware area homes, delaware real estate market, pennsylvania real estate, delaware homeowners, delaware home sellers
Thursday, August 11, 2022 / by Alex O'Brien
While the summer may be coming to a close, this time of year also tends to bring its fair share of stormy weather. Certain parts of the country have recently experienced bouts of bad weather and therefore, it’s prime time to prepare your home in Delaware and Pennsylvania for any that may be coming our way.
Take this weekend to check off the following on your storm prep to-do list. With these tips, you can both secure your home and avoid any surprises that can come from Mother Nature as we head into fall.
Emergency plan. Draft an “emergency plan” with any notes or procedures your family should follow in case of inclement weather. Designate a room in which everyone should meet during a storm.
Make repairs. Secure all broken or loose fence posts, reattach gutters or shutters. The last thing you want is for strong winds to blow these into your home or cause damage to your vehicles.
Secure landscaping. Broken or loose tree limbs should be hauled away now before the stok ...
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delaware real estate, delaware area homes, delaware real estate market, pennsylvania real estate, delaware homeowners, delaware home sellers, home seller tips
Thursday, July 28, 2022 / by Alex O'Brien
If you're a homeowner in Delaware or Pennsylvania and thinking of moving on this year, you may be wondering the best time to list your home. Should you list yet this summer or wait until fall rolls around? Should you take your time to make updates and list toward the end of the year? Well, the answer is don't wait! There is still time to list your home this summer and score top dollar.
That's right, summer is an ideal time to list your home in Delaware and Pennsylvania for numerous reasons— and I've listed a few of them below!
Demand is back
Buyer demand has remained relatively strong over the past few months and doesn't seem to be winding down! Listing your home in Delaware or Pennsylvania now will allow you to be seen by the buyers that are now ready and financially able to make a move on a new home!
Things will move along quickly
While we may be heading into August, believe it or not, the market is still HOT this season! By late summer, the number of buyers in the mk ...
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delaware real estate, delaware area homes, delaware real estate market, pennsylvania real estate, delaware homeowners, delaware home sellers, home seller tips
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 / by Alex O'Brien
Now that we're inching toward the summer season and the real estate market has certainly been heating up, you may have heard that now is a great time to sell your Delaware or Pennsylvania home.
There are indeed more buyers in search of properties in Delaware and Pennsylvania, home prices are rising, and landing top dollar is not so uncommon anymore— but just remember, timing is everything!
The assumption that spring is the proper time is not always accurate. Below are four things to consider if you're ready to sell your home.
Spring isn't always best
Many believe that spring is the best time to sell your home, however according to, "one recent study found that sellers typically net more above asking price during the months of December, January, February, and March than they do from June through November."
One reason for this is that the spring buying season typically means you'll have more competition from other sellers, and in turn, price your home more aggressik ...
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delaware real estate, delaware area homes, delaware real estate market, pennsylvania real estate, delaware home sellers, delaware homeowners, home seller tips